How to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Three Easy Steps

Now that the summer fun is winding down and the kids are back to school, it’s time to start thinking about how to achieve a better work-life balance. Instead of diving headlong into those wall-to-wall workdays that leave you feeling like a wrung-out dishrag, why not focus on ways to get all your work done and still have quality time for family and fun?

Being a successful entrepreneur isn’t easy. You probably miss social events and family get-togethers frequently, to the point where your loved ones have stopped counting on you at all. Add family life and kids into that equation and you’ll probably soon be thinking about ways to avoid doing things that are essential to your wellbeing … like sleeping and eating.

But this sort of behavior just won’t serve you in the long run.

In an effort to promote health, wellness, and productivity during the “back-to-school-back-to-work” season, we’ve got you covered with several great life hacks to help you make it happen. If you’re one of those people who is shaking your head and thinking “not possible!” perhaps putting a few of these tips into action can help!

Work-life balance tip #1: Turn off your phone

Your smartphone, while it may be your lifeline to customers, suppliers, new business, and news that affects your livelihood, is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving work-life balance. Set very specific hours during which you do not receive notifications so you can focus on the here and now of your personal life. Most phones have a DND feature that blocks notifications, one that can be programmed to activate at a pre-set time.

Work-life balance tip #2: Learn how to avoid distraction while at work

One of the biggest contributors to longer working hours is distraction. If you can rid your day of unnecessary distractions, you will probably be able to get a lot more done – and get out of the office on time! What a concept! Create a to-do list at the beginning of each day and eschew personal and trivial office distractions that steer your focus off the rails. If you are able to get through your list, you’ll arrive at the end of the day with time to spare.

Work-life balance tip #3: Ask your family what they need

Ask your family for ideas about what they need from you in terms of time and attention. This will help you set boundaries that take their needs into consideration. For instance, they may be okay with longer hours at the office if you don’t dive straight back into work when you get home. Including your loved ones in these decisions will not only make them happier, it will ease your own guilt about missing out on life and home.

Fusion Workspaces in Palm Desert offers affordable executive office amenities that can help you grow your business and still maintain a good work-life balance. Drop by for a tour or browse our packages today.